Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

The findings of aloes wood stump in the forest is luck

Aloe wood is the most expensive wood species in the world and has been long-lasting since hundreds of years ago . Until today many people use aloes wood as a future investment , start planting hope to reap extraordinary results a great value economically ,

Eaglewood usability in the process can produce oil and perfume are also used for therapy because the typical smell very fragrant . You already know the incense is not it? eaglewood also be used .

Many people who try to do business either as an intermediary for a third person as a liaison to the owner or manager of the land of aloes , business Agar Wood and usability as previously written ( BUSINESS GAHARU ) is very beneficial .

Two things got the system right Agar Wood is from the " cultivation and result in the discovery of the forest " . Breeding superior plants for cultivation is already can be purchased from distributors readily available because there is a special group that his species breeding various types .

To be able to produce resin can be done with the technique of injection, infusion or bamboo stick .

As with Agarwood forest where people deliberately seek in the jungle to get Agar Wood Natural but not easy to get because not all forests grow Agar Wood , even when it was discovered that the expected results and even then does not contain resins or sapwood maximum .

But you should know that any of Agar Wood roots , stems , twigs and leaves can all be utilized for the benefit of business , health and beauty , and so forth .

                  Manually by using a simple tool to get us to work and be able to lift the stump aloes

Muddy and slippery road motor vehicles are not to be entered, together we carry out in order to get out of the woods

       Typical of fragrant agarwood potential, cut to take the parts of trees that can be used as incense

10 years of investment 10-fold, and aloes wood business is a valuable piece

 Patience is the dominating part of the job managing aloes wood, began to plant and harvest the need to wait a long time to wait to grow up. For farmers cultivating gaharu is very tedious and spent a long time but what about us who happen to get all these plants do not grow and grow on their own?

Not all the work it took any effort it as farmers cultivating aloes wood or a forest manager, it all depends on the sustenance of the Creator of the Universe.

It is the result of our forests are all natural and not processed mixing chemicals or injections, the most important thing is not just a business but for the fragrant incense of the gods of all the ingredients must be pure. Stored longer will be better and grow fragrant, do not be afraid this is investasi future savings.                

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

pieces of cut stump that 10 years ago

collection of old and stored so good getting high quality, top piece of agarwood old stumps was 40 years old.  in use as incense and aromatherapy malacensis Aquilaria species.

 owner / collection: RIMBA GAHARU MUSI
 Location: Banyuasin (South-Sumatra) Indonesia      

cut into valuable pieces of wood of aloes

The results of the hard work in the wilds of the forest as the manager of natural agar wood, lumber  valuable as fragrant incense, a job that requires knowledge about this very carefully from the scent  characteristics are selected in order to produce the best quality.

Agarwood for Carving wood pieces

  As fragrant incense can also be made as beads, bracelets, sculptures and so forth, there is a piece of agarwood trees are of good quality and hard deliberately chosen for those needs.

For aloes wood material is an old formula, over 30 years, in order to produce better quality and perfect engraving.

Young aloes wood is not good for carving because it does not last a long time, preferably a natural result of the forest would be better used for carving, because the wood is close relationship with religious and mystical. That is the result of natural growth due to strong natural environment will affect the life of the user.


Gaharu Aquilaria Malacensis

 Is a branch of an old tree aloes wood harvested from the wild without the injection of chemicals, fragrance influence is very strong because there are a lot of oil when burned produces resins for incense.

Natural result like this is not easy to be able to find it needs a selection of many pieces of wood possibility only 5 to 10 percent of a large tree aloes that if you are lucky.


Manfaat Kayu Gaharu

BANYAK orang yang tidak mengetahui jenis dan manfaatnya kayu Gaharu. Padahal kayu yang hanya tumbuh di Indonesia ini banyak sekali manfaatnya  baik lewat kontak (kalung, gelang), minuman serta makanan.

Kayu Gaharu terdapat di wilayah Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Aceh, Nusa Tenggara serta Papua ini banyak peminatnya, terutama warga asing asal Timur Tengah.

Mr.X misalnya menjual dan membeli berbagai macam kayu Gaharu. Ia mengaku didatangi pelangganya dari luar negeri untuk pesan kayu yang sejak 300 tahun lalu mulai dimanfaatkan untuk pengobatan herbal serta sebagai baha ukiran..

“Harga kayu Gaharu di patok mulai dari 10.000 hingga 500 juta rupiah perkilogram, bahkan lebih tergantung mutu dan kwalita super.

Contoh;  kayu Gaharu di konsumsi  lewat minuman, kayunya di masukan pada segelas air dan di diamkan semalaman,  lalu diminum.

"Lewat minuman ini bisa mencuci kotoran dalam tubuh manusia, ginjal dan memecahkan kencing batu serta menyembuhkan penyakit dalam lainnya

Kayu Gaharu bisa juga dikonsumsi lewat makanan, yakni di kunyah seminggu sekali sebelum makan serta pengobatan atau pencegahan penyakit lewat pemakaian gelang maupun kalung.

Kayu ini juga bisa di jadikan sebagai aroma terapi mengharumkan ruangan, hingga wanginya sampai meresap ke ubun-ubun, membuat yang menghirup bagaikan berada di negeri dongeng serta pikiran penat pelan-pelan hilang.

Produk gaharu yang tersedia di pasaran berbentuk kayu, chips, dan bubuk. Minyak gaharu dihasilkan oleh kayu gaharu kulitas rendah. Namun, kualitas gaharu oleh pemerintah di bagi menjadi gubal, kemendangan dan abu. Riset kayu gaharu di Indonesia sudah dilakukan sejak 15 tahun yang lalu dan kini sudah ditemukan pohon gaharu terbaik yang dapat tumbuh sekitar 5 cm/tahun untuk diameter batangnya. 

Demikian pula untuk proses penyuntikan jamur parasit yang efektif sehingga pohon gaharu dapat diambil seluruh batang dan akarnya. Proses penyuntikan dilakukan setelah pohon gaharu berusia 6 tahun.

Dia menambahkan pohon gaharu baru dapat dipanen setelah 1-2  tahun proses penyuntikan. Hasil budidaya pohon gaharu diperkirakan berada di kelas teri masa panen 5 tahun seluruh bagian pohon akan diambil dengan bobot 30 kg hingga 60 kg. 

Sedangkan untuk menghasilkan kualitas kayu gaharu kelas super king baru dapat dilakukan pohon gaharu yang berusia lebih dari 15 tahun. "Pendataan bibit pohon yang ditanam untuk menghindari kelebihan pasokan pada saat panen,"tambahnya. 

Pohon gaharu dapat tumbuh dengan baik di daerah tropis dengan ketinggian 750 meter dari permukaan laut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian beberapa lembaga pendidikan, pohon gaharu tumbuh dengan baik apabila tanah yang ditumbuhinya bisa ditumbuhi pohon berkayu keras. 

Apa itu gaharu?Gaharu adalah sejenis kayu dengan berbagai bentuk dan warna yang khas, memiliki kandungan damar wangi, berasal dari pohon atau bagian pohon penghasil gaharu, sebagai akibat dari proses infeksi yang terjadi secara alami atau buatan pada pohon Aguilaria sp (Thymelaeaceae).

Gaharu dikenal berasal dari marga tumbuhan bernama Aquilaria. Di Indonesia tumbuh berbagai macam spesiesnya, seperti A. malaccensis, A. microcarpa, A. hirta, A. beccariana, dan A. Filaria. 

Karena banyaknya jenis tumbuhan ini ada di Indonesia, maka bukan barang aneh, bila kemudian tumbuhan ini juga banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat. Manfaatn gaharu  antara lain sebagai bahan pembuat  obat dan parfum. 

Leaves Gaharu To Health

I 've read many articles about Eaglewood but now it's time to find out the type of agarwood leaves and benefits , know the uses of aloes homemade tea leaves .

The best type of tea to be consumed as a beverage is a species of Aquilaria Malacensis not mean the other kind is not good . Characteristic of agarwood leaves is similar to the magnitude of banyan leaves chili .

I have proved that weighs nearly 100 pounds down derastis nearly 20 pounds , with the tea leaves of aloes for 100 continuous days with exercise . Strive to drink tea of aloes should be enough at least 1 liter/day .

example ; Aloes wood consumed through beverages

The trick ; - Boil enough water to cook into a 1 liter , - After that pour into a large mug in it already contained as many as 100 pieces of agarwood leaves have been washed with clean water .

enter previously boiled water and let stand overnight lid to drink . " Through this drink can wash the dirt in the human body , kidney and bladder stones solve and cure others . Directly in my experience is to lose weight without having to diet not only eating too much ( greedy ) " .

Agarwood tea products available in the market a lot , but this product is processed wrapped engine wear to attract a variety of buyers . Your air activity has its own garden and drink tea benefits for the family and share with your friends .

Agarwood is known comes from Aquilaria genus of plants named . In Indonesia grows various species , such as A. malaccensis , A. microcarpa , A. hirta , A. beccariana , and A. Filaria . ( Aloes wood type that I wrote earlier )

I tried to just inform it to my friends where when collecting agarwood leaves from the field , I take the leaves at harvest agarwood tree felling or accidentally through the forest . Drying for 1 week and then stored in baskets or burlap sacks . Because if it is stored directly in the closed media will make mushrooming .

When a family member has suffered a stroke I gave several bags of dried leaves of aloes to suggest that consumption as a beverage for therapeutic healing . The results are remarkable at least she is no longer limping after tea aloes for 100 days as I suggested .

Until now the gaharu tea needs quite a lot , so important for the health of my family and my theme .

I like aloes business ! but for me health is more important !